Mate Finder
Mate Finder Documentation

Welcome to MateFinder! This program will search for the shortest forced mating sequence given a position on the board up to some specifiable maximum depth.

How to build from source


To follow this "How to" one needs


Open a terminal in whichever folder you want to put the program in. Next, run

git clone
cd MateFinder

and that's it. You can now execute the program by

./MateFinder [\"FEN\"] [OPTIONS]

or go

./MateFinder -h

for the help. More information about FEN's can be found here. A nice tool for creating your own FEN's is this one.


After following the "How to" above the tests can be ran by

make runtest

The tests make use of the doctest.h framework which is included in the test folder.


This program was created by Erik Meulman and Arjan Cornelissen, in the spring of 2017.


This project was part of the course Object Oriented Scientific Programming with C++ at Delft University of Technology.